Tag: nonprofit
What is a Systems Evaluation and Why is it Important in the Non-Profit Sector?
Increasingly, we are told we need to design and evaluate things in systems. However, I want to take a step back this week and chat about what a system actually is and why it is important in the nonprofit context. Understanding Systems Evaluation Systems evaluations are particularly relevant in the nonprofit sector. Like putting on…
Navigating Turbulent Times: The Crisis in Nonprofit Leadership
In the world of nonprofit leadership, the toll of burnout is a story we hear too often. Consider the case of an Executive Director, a colleague, who steered a youth-focused nonprofit from a fledgling initiative into a beacon of hope for thousands. The organization, under this leader’s guidance, became a transformative force in the community.…
Optimizing Your Nonprofit’s Leadership: Legal Requirements and Best Practices for Board Composition Or How Many to Use and When
For any nonprofit organization, the board of directors plays a pivotal role in strategic oversight and governance. Establishing an effective board is not just about meeting legal requirements; it’s about embracing best practices that underpin the nonprofit’s success. I often used to get questions about what is the best size for my board of directors.…
Making the Case for Better Wages in the Non-Profit.
Non-Profits need to pay better wages, specifically to their female employees. I know in the last month or so, the buzz has been around overpaid nonprofit leaders. I would argue, like so many, that these wages are very much needed and reflect the difficulty in leading large organizations. Further, I want to argue that we…
Why is Running a Non-Profit so Hard?
Non-profits employ over 7% of the global workforce, and closer to home in the USA, they represent over 5.7% of US GDP. They earn annual revenues of $2.62B, and yet, nearly every non-profit worries about the state of operations, cash flow, and ensuring they have operational continuity year to year. Uncertain Government Funding How does…
Why Non-Finance People Can Make the Best Treasurers…
So you can’t get a CPA or a finance person for your Board Treasurer position. Now what? In the realm of non-profit organizations, the role of a treasurer carries significant weight in managing financial affairs. Historically, Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) have been favored for this position due to their finance expertise. However, in recent years,…
Why Standardized Grant Reporting Metrics Don’t Always Work…
One of the things I hated most when I used to work with and in the non-profit sector, was completing reports for funders. Some post-project reports were easy. You’d answer a few questions on impact, submit your expenses and report some metrics. We’d always include copies of evaluation reports, photos of the program in action…