Category: Uncategorized
The Unsettling Carousel of Non-Profit Leadership
Non-Profit Leadership has turned into a revolving carousel of leadership. We are desperate for new talent yet the top layers still look incredibly white. The Unsettling Carousel of Non-Profit Leadership in Canada: High Turnover but Limited Diversity In the 15 years I have worked with the non-profit sector, as a Consultant, Partner and volunteered as…
Moving Non Profits from a Fixed to Growth Mindset
A colleague on LinkedIn recently posted about the challenges of participating in discussions online with those who work in the nonprofit sector. The experience he had in an online community, caused him to vent that the sector was in many ways, its own worst enemy. We are negative, we view “change” as distrustful, we “poo-poo”…
Confessions from an Ex-Non-Profit Consultant
From the title, maybe you were hoping for some tell-all story. That is not this story. We will save that story for another blog entry. :)Over the last few weeks a few people have asked why I moved away from consulting after 15 years. My response, is generally, that I had no choice. Here’s why.…